Cha(lle)nge the world

The social network allowing the whole world to take part in live challenges to support associations and earn money

Join the community now !

A livestream social network to engages people to take part in challenges for the greater good!

Help People

Give for causes you care about

Watch and Broadcast Live

Have fun watching or streaming live yourself in the form of crazy challenges for the greater good

Earn Money

Win money by taking on challenges and proving your talent to the world

Your Community is waiting for you

Create groups or join people who share your passions and tastes

Join the community now !

A livestream social network to engages people to take part in challenges for the greater good!

Help People

Give for causes you care about

Earn Money

Win money by taking on challenges and proving your talent to the world

Watch and Broadcast Live

Have fun watching or streaming live yourself in the form of crazy challenges for the greater good

Your Community is waiting for you

Create groups or join people who share your passions and tastes

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How it works

Five steps between creation and rewarding with maximum fun!

Join our community now!

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IDareYou®2019 Tous Droits Réservés


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